The futures of pastoralism in Africa

On 1 March 2012, Andy Catley of the Africa Regional Office of Tufts University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, made a briefing to the European Parliament in Brussels. He highlighted the many different futures of pastoralism, differentiating between those pastoralists who are “moving up” and taking advantage of the high market demand for livestock products and those pastoralists who are “moving out” because of declining access to rangeland and reduced mobility. He urged the EU to align its programmes with the African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa and to take a dual approach: 1) supporting different forms of pastoralism, with related livestock marketing, land access and mobility; and 2) supporting alternative livelihoods, for which education is the key.

Posted on 6 March 2012 in News, Pastoralism & Marketing, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure, Pastoralism, Policy & Power