Securing pastoralists’ land-tenure rights

As part of a project to promote sustainable pastoralism, supported by IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Véterinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) made a survey of enabling policies and pastoralist practices in several areas of the world, including the Horn of Africa. One output of this study is the article “Securing pastoralists’ land tenure rights” (2016, 2pp) published in the magazine Rural 21. It argues for a territorial approach to pastoral land management and cross-border agreements. The creation of Pastoral Units, based on transparency and equity, would allow for more secure rights to all stakeholders (local and temporary users) to access and use the pasture and water resources and would help reduce conflicts.

Posted on 29 September 2016 in Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism & Peacebuilding, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure, Pastoralism, Policy & Power