Review of 2022 humanitarian crisis in Karamoja

In 2022, Karamoja’s long-term food security and livelihood challenges evolved into a humanitarian crisis that led to a substantial loss of human life. The Karamoja Resilience Support Unit of the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University published a real-time review of the crisis carried out in September–October 2022. The report, “The 2022 humanitarian crisis in Karamoja, Uganda: a real-time review” (2022, 56pp), authored by Adrian Cullis and Raphael Lotira Arasio, describes the timeline of hazard events and humanitarian responses and examines early warning systems, coordination and use of crisis modifiers as the situation worsened. It offers recommendations to improve humanitarian efforts in the future, such as livestock recovery plans according to the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS). The local communities prioritise livelihoods support such as livestock-related and income-generating activities, but such humanitarian support is currently minimal.

The 5-page briefing paper describes the events that contributed to the crisis, the extent to which early warning systems provided sufficient advance warning, and the timing and nature of the responses of the Government of Uganda and the international aid community. It includes the recommendations made in the longer report.

Posted on 25 January 2023 in Pastoralism & Services, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition