Policy note on pastoralists’ land rights
Based on CELEP’s understanding of pastoralism, this Policy note on pastoralists’ land rights / Note d’orientation sur les droits fonciers des pasteurs calls for seven priority actions to meet the challenges facing Eastern African pastoralists’ use of rangelands, which would equally apply to pastoralists in many other parts of the world:
- Guarantee in the law pastoralists’ right of access to land for their livelihoods.
- Protect mobility as a right fundamental to the livelihood of pastoralists.
- Expand legal frameworks to represent the full spectrum of pastoralists’ land rights.
- Identify, acknowledge, and register pastoralists’ customary land rights that have been overlooked during the various stages of land-tenure formalisation.
- Recognise pastoralism as a form of land development.
- Prevent further conversion of pastoralist lands to other uses that exclude pastoralism.
- Involve pastoralist communities in all processes in which they are stakeholders.
Posted on 14 January 2025 in CELEP Documents, Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure, Pastoralism, Policy & Power