a. Avoid harmful traditional practices inflicted on women in pastoral areas (p.78)

This activity focuses on eliminating ‘harmful traditional practices’ on women.

It consists of:

  • undertaking ‘activities to avoid harmful traditional practices inflicted on women with the participation of customary institutions that have legitimacy in the community and religious institutions’;
  • preventing ‘harmful traditional practices that are inflicted on women’ — ‘with the participation of relevant government institutions’, and ‘programs shall be created to protect victims and provide them with essential services’;
  • conducting ‘awareness creation; and capacity building of communities and institutions and strengthening of protective measures, to bring about attitudinal change and social transformation in communities’;
  • providing ‘easily accessible, all around [sic], quality service for women victims of harmful traditional practices’, including ‘activities to rehabilitate victims and reinstate them in their previous social, economic and psychological standing’.





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