c. Building democratic institutions (p.69)

This activity focuses on building democratic institutions in pastoral areas.

It consists of:

  • enabling ‘pastoralists to organize in associations (youth, women, etc.), in trade associations (cooperative societies, commercial councils, etc.), in professional associations, etc.; and [be] organized and mobilized around their common interest’;
  • encouraging and supporting ‘democratic institutions like people’s councils, political parties, the media, etc.’ to work in pastoral areas;
  • ensuring direct democracy by
    • creating ‘working procedures … according to the constitutions of regional states, where communities meet on prescribed time and discuss about peace, development, good governance, and democratic system building in kebeles and development councils which are expressions of direct democracy’;
    • creating ‘conditions that ensure the participation of people in kebele and development councils, in discussions and approval of plans; and evaluation and implementation of such plans; and make various decisions and monitor and evaluate activities and results’;
    • holding ‘council meetings … at regular intervals with sufficient preparation’ to discuss the field reports on the implementation of plans, and decide future directions.
  • strengthening representative democracy by creating conditions to ensure that people’s voices can be heard through their representatives on woreda and regional councils.



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