e. Fulfill educational inputs (p.59)

This activity focuses on curriculum and educational inputs.

It consists of:

  • ensuring ‘that the curriculum and teaching aids in pastoral areas reflect the life of pastoralists; that can solve basic problems of the pastoral people; and that integrated nutritional education, hygiene and environment education are incorporated in the curriculum’;
  • fulfilling ‘educational inputs (books, educational technology, resource centers, and trained man power capacity building) consistently with the national standard in order to tackle the shortage of inputs in alternative and regular schools in pastoral areas’.


Adapting the curriculum. The need for adapting the curriculum so that it takes pastoralists’ lives into consideration, already acknowledged under Activity (c), is revisited here. In the description of this activity the emphasis is on adding elements to the curriculum ‘that can solve basic problems of the pastoral people’ and that include ‘integrated nutritional education, hygiene and environment education’. But if the curriculum used in pastoral areas is ‘to reflect the life’ of people in pastoral systems within an approach centered on the pastoralist student, as specified in Activity (d), most of the effort under this activity will have to consist in adapting the existing curriculum, not simply adding to it – from its language and choice of examples, to its pedagogical approach.



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