d. Improve the relevance and quality of education (p.59)

This activity focuses on increasing the relevance of educational services in pastoral areas.

It consists of:

  • assessing and implementing ‘the general education quality assurance package’ ‘In line with the life-style of pastoralists’ and ‘in order to tackle the gaps in education quality provided by educational institutions in pastoral areas’;
  • fulfilling teaching aids and technology support;
  • adapting teaching and learning processes by making them ‘participatory and student-centered in order to improve the relevance and quality of education’.


  1. Increasing relevance. Increasing relevance of education goes hand in hand with increasing participation (Activity [c] under this strategy) as part of the policy to increase the accessibility of educational services in pastoral areas by adapting service provision so that it takes into consideration the livelihood of people in pastoral systems. This activity recognizes that the requirement of relevance to the pastoral context also applies to the way the quality of the service is ensured.
  2. A participatory and student-centered approach. This activity also includes adapting teaching and learning processes so as to make them ‘participatory and student-centered’, part of the effort to increase relevance and quality of education services in pastoral areas. ‘Student-centered’ here refers not just to a general notion of students but to the type of student excluded from educational services in the past, those for whom accessibility was inadequate. For relevance to be effectively increased in relation to ‘the life-style of pastoralists’, ‘student-centered’ here means centered on students whose livelihood is in pastoral systems.



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