b. Build the implementation and leadership capacity of teachers and leaders (p.58)

This activity focuses on building the capacity of staff in the educational sector.

It consists of:

  • providing ‘higher education opportunities in colleges and universities … to teachers and education leaders … in order to fill the implementation and leadership gaps prevalent in pastoral areas’;
  • providing ‘short term trainings on the education policy and strategy and other issues … to teachers and education leaders to build their capacity’;
  • providing ‘continuing trainings … to woreda professionals and supervisors, on lesson plan preparation, education development, army organization, supervision, and decentralized distribution of schools’;
  • providing training to ‘teachers, education leaders and supervisors … in higher education institutions, on various programs so that they improve their educational status and capacity’;
  • strengthening ‘teachers’ training institutions and universities in pastoral areas’.


Taking into consideration the livelihood of people in pastoral systems? This activity is part of a sectoral strategy aimed at improving the accessibility of education services in pastoral areas by finally taking into account the livelihood of people in pastoral systems. Achieving this goal necessarily involves substantial adaptation in the provision of educational services, especially formal primary education. Such a process of adaptation would seem to represent a key dimension in any plan to build the capacity of staff in the educational sector. Yet there is no mention of it in the description of this activity. This a possible line of policy intervention to be developed at the level of regional states.



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