a. Strengthen institutions and organizational arrangements that would make the education services effective at all levels taking the mobile and settled lifestyle of the people into account (p.57)

This activity focuses on the organizational aspects of educational services.

It consists of:

  • organizing ‘educational institutions, technical schools and higher education institutions in pastoral areas that are capable of [i.] putting pastoral endowments into use and service; [ii.] conduct research and study that would tackle development problems of pastoralists; [iii.] create jobs; and [iv.] to make the education system effective’;
  • creating ‘structures that would fill the organizational gaps in pastoral areas at school level (like parent teachers union, education board, school clubs, etc.)’;
  • assigning ‘education institution leaders at all levels who can effectively lead the education activity’.


  1. Putting pastoral endowments into use and service? The fist point in the description of this implementation activity refers to ‘organizing educational institutions … in pastoral areas … that are capable of putting pastoral endowments into use and service’. Endowments are qualities or abilities. Thus, the implication of this statement is that pastoral qualities and abilities are currently waiting to be put into use and service. Is there an underlying assumption that pastoral systems are not a way of putting pastoral qualities and abilities into use and service? Are ‘pastoral endowments’ — like the land in pastoral areas ‘endowed with adequate surface cover and underground water’ (p.22) — seen in this policy as untapped resources just waiting to be used?
  2. Taking into account the livelihood of people in pastoral systems? The title of this implementation activity emphasizes the goal of making ‘education services effective at all levels taking the mobile and settled lifestyle of the people into account’. Attention for the ‘settled lifestyle’ is evident in the references to ‘schools’ and ‘structures that would fill the organizational gaps in pastoral areas at school level’. However, there is no mention of people’s mobile lifestyle besides the title, or an indication of how the intention of taking a mobile lifestyle into account will translate in actual activities. This is possibly a line of policy intervention to be developed at the level of regional states.



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