b. Ensure maximized benefit and participation of the people settled in development centers (p.50)

This activity focuses on development centers, therefore it is not ‘on the basis of pastoralist systems’.

It consists of:

  • building social and economic institutions and infrastructure ‘before gathering pastoralists in development centers’, while the ‘Movement of pastoralists to development centers before water and health institutions are established shall be prohibited’;
  • ensuring that pastoralists coming to development centers ‘are trained in agricultural extension services, animal husbandry and agricultural activity detailed packages’;
  • ensuring that pastoralists coming to development centers ‘are provided with inputs that increase production and productivity’;
  • ‘engag[ing] community members to participate in off-farm micro and small activities and ensure that they are beneficiaries’;
  • ‘conduct[ing] experience sharing with best development performers so that others will draw lessons which will help to create balanced peoples’ participation’.



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