b. Extension programs shall be developed by taking the agro-ecology and livelihood of the people into consideration (p.44)
This activity targets people in settlements.
It consists of:
- supporting non-livestock related livelihood strategies; examples given are farming, commerce, mining, and tourism. This support is described as ‘pastoral extension programs’ (p.44);
- providing inputs for agriculture and other income generating activities; examples given are producing and protecting indigenous plants, drought resistant crops, fruits and vegetables, as well as ways of using industrial by-products (e.g. from sugar production) as livestock feed;
- improving marketing, with an emphasis on changing the ‘organization and service provision systems of extension programs’ to make them ‘market led’. In the absence of an alternative explanation it seems reasonable to take ‘market led’ to mean ‘privatized’ (i.e. placed in the hands of the private sector).
c. Agriculture technology provision and distribution system shall be developed in such a way that it will be effective and increase productivity (p.45) »
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