a. Improving water resources management (p.40)

This activity consists of:

  • developing ‘water resource in pastoral areas … properly and sustainably’;
  • ensuring ‘judicious and sustainable water development and use in pastoral areas … to improve the life of pastoralists’;
  • establishing ‘integrated and all-round water resource management … to ensure fair and efficient water distribution, and improve sustainably [sustainability?] for the water services institutions and revenue administration’;
  • preventing ‘drought caused effects … through implementation of effective and efficient water resources management strategies of pastoral areas’;
  • harnessing ‘flood related disasters … through sustainable control, and rehabilitation measures’;
  • undertaking ‘measures to prevent, strengthen and protect water resources and water resource areas sustainably’.


Developing water resources properly and sustainably. The description of this implementation activity places emphasis on the intention of developing water resources ‘properly and sustainably’, and on the expected benefits. However, there is no indication of how this is to be done. Presumably, developing water resources ‘properly and sustainably’ was also the goal of past efforts in this sector, as who would want to do it improperly and unsustainably? Yet the premises for the whole sectoral strategy recognize that past water development interventions have led to considerable problems. Therefore, here one would expect a description of water development measures that will avoid the mistakes of the past – i.e. a description of how, this time, the intention of developing water resources properly and sustainably is going to work. Instead of doing that, the description of this activity offers only a succession of positive attributes and expected outcomes (sustainable, proper, judicious, will prevent drought impact, will control floods, will ensure fair distribution, will improve pastoralists’ life). But how?



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