1.2 Improving pastoral areas water resources development and management and increasing benefits of pastoralists (p.38)

Earlier on this is worded as ‘Improving the water resources development and administration in order to maximize benefits for pastoralists’ (p.31).

This sectoral strategy is justified by the following premises:

  1. In pastoral areas, sufficient and quality water for humans and people is not available.
  2. In pastoral areas, there are areas with ample and sustainable surface and underground water resources.
  3. The distribution of settlements and livestock has not followed from the development of water resources – i.e. settlements have been created and livestock have been concentrated where water resources cannot sustain them.
  4. Water development in the past has led to siltation and salinity.
  5. Irrigation or hydroelectric development schemes in pastoral areas are not based on resource mapping and land-use plans; people hardly participate in such development projects. That is, irrigation and hydroelectric schemes have been introduced without consideration for local people and existing patterns of land-use.
  6. Water flowing in pastoral areas is ‘exposed to pollution from upper parts of the watershed’.

The strategy is intended to act on these premises with the following measures:

  1. Improving water resources management.
  2. Expanding provision of water for drinking and sanitation.
  3. Expanding small, medium, and large irrigation developments.
  4. Expanding hydro power and alternative energy development.



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