e. Design, implement, and strengthen livestock extension services for different types of livestock (p.37)

This activity consists of:

  • establishing extension services for the development of livestock and fisheries;
  • establishing and strengthening development groups and cooperatives;
  • using irrigation dams in pastoral areas and along rivers for fisheries production;
  • increasing beekeeping and poultry productivity;
  • improving the food culture of pastoralists;
  • increasing linkages between pastoralists and research institutions;
  • establishing ‘a strong and up-to-date monitoring and facilitation system that solves problems’ (not further explained);
  • advertising the new extension services amongst pastoralists.


  1. Making the livelihoods of pastoralists market-based. This implementation strategy states that ‘the main focus in this area is making the lifestyle of pastoralists market-based’. This can be expected to support the market by expanding its sphere of influence. On the other hand, no explanation is offered as to how having a market-based lifestyle will benefit pastoralists. Indeed, no explanation is offered of how the ‘main focus’ relates to this implementation activity, or indeed to Policy Issue 1.
  2. Taking resources away from pastoral systems? While the Sectoral Strategy for this activity promises to ‘ensure the increase of benefits for pastoralists’, there is no reference to adapting services to pastoralists’ (mobile) livelihood and production systems. The only ‘livestock development services’ explicitly mentioned under this implementation activity are taking resources away from pastoral systems: ‘irrigation dams built in pastoral areas and rivers shall be used for fishery production; and increasing beekeeping and poultry productivity’.



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