d. Increase market and input provision (p.36)

This activity consists of:

  • building modern market infrastructures for domestic market and exports;
  • establishing sustainable and reliable market information systems;
  • improving the supply of inputs for livestock production;
  • strengthening the provision of credit and finance to support private-sector involvement in milk, meat, and hides/skin value-addition processes and links with industry;
  • preventing and controlling illegal livestock trade.


Not on the basis of pastoral systems. The market is an important service to pastoralists, but this implementation activity makes no reference to pastoral mobility, for example by creating market opportunities along migration routes, or by adapting market infrastructures to match the mobile nature of livestock production in pastoral systems. The new infrastructures are supposed to be static (‘built’). There is a claim that an effort to ‘control and prevent illegal trading in animals’ will ‘strengthen benefits of pastoralists’. However, there is no explanation of how it is envisaged that pastoralists will benefit from such control.



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