Objective (b): Guide sectoral policies and strategies that have been developed in a segmented fashion, on the basis of the constitution, national policies and strategies, and regional conventions, to be revised in light of the livelihood basis and ecology of pastoralists; and coordinate such policies and strategies so that they will be implemented in cooperation (p.26)

The Specific Objectives are enunciated without explanation.


  1. A problem with a twofold solution. This specific objective effectively includes the statement of a problem and a twofold solution. The stated problem is that existing ‘sectoral policies and strategies … have been developed in a segmented fashion, on the basis of the constitution, national policies and strategies, and regional conventions’. To address the ‘segmented state’ of existing sectoral policies and strategies, a twofold course of action is envisaged:
    • guide sectoral policies and strategies [so as] to be revised in light of the livelihood basis and ecology of pastoralists;
    • [coordinate] sectoral policies and strategies so that they will be implemented in cooperation.

The first side of the twofold solution — revise existing sectoral policies and strategies in light of the livelihood basis and ecology of pastoralists — acknowledges that existing policies and strategies are not only ‘fragmented’ but also disconnected from the livelihood basis and ecology of pastoralists. Sufficiently disconnected at least to require revising them in that light.

  1. Re-centering sectoral policies and strategies in light of pastoral systems. This second specific objective effectively reinforces the previous one. While Specific Objective (a) is to (finally) center pastoral development on pastoralism, Specific Objective (b) is retrospective: securing coherence and coordination around the goal of Objective (a) by correcting the legacy of relevant policies and strategies that for various reasons have been produced without centering on pastoralism. Between them, these first two objectives are about centering all pastoral development in Ethiopia on pastoralism – the future activities introduced by the new policy as well as the inherited ‘environment’ of sectoral policies and strategies produced from different approaches.

Specific Objective (b) is contradicted by the policy Pillars.



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