Peaceful co-management of resources by farmers & herders in Darfur

The learning brief “Role of local governance and community-based institutions for the peaceful co-management of natural resources” (2021, 12pp) by Saverio Krätli is the final one in a series issued by the Taadoud II: Transition to Development project led by the Catholic Relief Services in Darfur, Sudan. It looks as local governance and its role in natural resource management (NRM), land-tenure regimes and conflict resolution, with a view to supporting the peaceful co-management of natural resources by crop farmers and pastoralists.

It highlights that:

  • The ways different groups of natural resource users experience their shared space as a ‘resource’ has been transformed, with new exclusionary claims by both crop farmers and pastoralists.
  • The more different uses that can be peacefully staked onto the same spaces, the higher the economic value that can be sustainably created.
  • NRM interventions need to include the bigger picture (space and time) and assume pastoralism to always be a part of it.

This brief builds on the earlier learning brief “Changing land tenure regimes” by Helen Young et al (2020, 14pp), which looks at crop farming and pastoralist livelihood systems in Darfur, highlighting their evolving and overlapping tenure regimes, the increasing pressure on resources and growing conflicts.

Posted on 12 March 2022 in Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism & Peacebuilding