Pastoralist Knowledge Conference in Marsabit

Men and women pastoralists from different ethnic groups around Marsabit in northern Kenya came together with development workers from local and international NGOs, donors, scientists and government officials for a 4-day conference in January 2013 on pastoralist knowledge. They explored the challenges and opportunities facing pastoralists in the region, tackling topics such as conflict resolution, climate change adaptation and natural resource management. They reflected on how local people experience change and how change happens and then looked at potential pathways for pastoralist futures in the Marsabit region. One outcome of the workshop was the creation of the Marsabit Indigenous Organizations Network (MIONET), supported by Caritas Austria, Pacida (Pastoralist Community Initiative and Development Assistance, and the Diocese of Marsabit, for advocacy, knowledge sharing and capacity strengthening. See the report “Pastoralist Knowledge Conference Insights” (

Posted on 3 June 2014 in Pastoralism & Climate Change, Pastoralism & Natural Resources, Pastoralism & Peacebuilding, Pastoralism & Services, Pastoralism, Policy & Power