Negotiation of livestock ownership among pastoralists in Kenya

The chapter “Creating mutual recognition and respect in property relations: negotiation regarding livestock ownership and usufruct in East African pastoral societies” by Itaru Ohta, was published in the book Development and subsistence in globalising Africa: beyond the dichotomy (eds Takahashi M et al, published by Langaa RPCIG, Bamenda, Cameroon, 2021, pp 43–74). It examines the complex property relations involving livestock held by Turkana, Rendille and Gabra pastoralists in northern Kenya and discusses how they constantly reconstruct social relations through conversation and negotiation regarding rights over the animals. The author argues that the uncertainty over property rights that are not firmly established by laws is not a problem but rather a strength, in that mutual recognition and respect are continuously recreated between people through their negotiations over livestock ownership and usufruct. The study gives particular attention to gender issues and the rights of women to livestock in pastoralist households.

Posted on 16 October 2024 in Pastoralism & Culture, Pastoralism, Gender & Youth, Pastoralism, Policy & Power