As agreed during the CELEP Annual General Meeting (AGM), CELEP facilitated the visit of two Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), Mr Norbert Neuser – who previously visited Uganda with CELEP in 2015 – and Ms Michèle Rivasi, to livestock markets in Ethiopia in November 2019. The two MEPs visited Ethiopia as part of an official mission of the DEVE Committee of the European Parliament. Thus, CELEP did not coordinate the entire mission but could propose the visit as a side event. Some background information on the Kara Allo livestock market and on pastoralism in Ethiopia can be found in this short Briefing note.
First, MEP Neuser visited the Kara Allo secondary livestock market, where he was given some background information on the purpose of the visit organised by CELEP through the local partner of MISEREOR, the Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission (ECC-SDCO)/Caritas Ethiopia. This trip marked the fifth time that Mr Neuser visited Ethiopia. He expressed his pleasure to make this visit and found it interesting to hear about the important contribution of pastoralism to the Ethiopian economy. He also emphasised that he would raise the issue with the Ethiopian Foreign Minister, whom he was scheduled to meet the following day.
A second visit with MEP Rivasi went to the Kera Beret livestock market. This very busy market was operating at full force when Ms Rivasi and Moges Bekele and Eyasu Yonas, as CELEP representatives, arrived. Ms Rivasi was impressed and astonished at the size of the market. During the visit, she learned that the pastoralists are the major providers of the livestock to be sold at this market. She engaged in conversation with the people in the market, including traders and brokers. After the visit, she asked what support is needed for pastoralists in Ethiopia. Moges and Eyasu explained that CELEP needs strong MEPs to advocate for pastoralism and for the European Parliament to take decisions in favour of Eastern African pastoralists. Ms Rivasi promised to do her best to do so and also stressed the need to consider climate change and peace building as important concerns of the pastoralists. She saw the need to identify areas of intervention and exchange for possible resource mobilisation. The visit ended with her expression of appreciation of CELEP and ECC-SDCO/ Caritas Ethiopia for organising this side event during her stay in Ethiopia.
Posted on 14 November 2019 in CELEP Documents, News, Pastoralism & Marketing