Measuring vulnerability of pastoral households in Kenya

Statistical and econometric tools were used to measure households’ vulnerability in pastoral rangelands in the Turkana area of Kenya. In-depth interviews in over 300 households considered 27 socio-economic and biophysical indicators of climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The results, published in the article “Measuring household vulnerability to climate-induced stresses in pastoral rangelands of Kenya: implications for resilience programming” (Pastoralism 2014, 4:10) suggest that 27% of households are highly vulnerable, 44% moderately vulnerable and 29% less vulnerable to climate-induced stresses. Female-headed households, households with less than five years’ experience in the area, household heads with no formal education and households headed by divorced and widowed persons, with no access to extension services and early warning information, were particularly likely to be affected by climate stresses and variability. Examination of the main determinants of pastoral vulnerability revealed that policies should emphasise women’s empowerment, education and income diversification to enhance resilience of pastoral households.

Posted on 1 August 2015 in Pastoralism & Climate Change, Pastoralism, Gender & Youth, Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition