On the 10th of June a lunch conference on pastoralism will be held in the Infopoint-External Cooperation of the European Commission. This lunch-conference will stress the importance of pastoralism as a viable way for people in fragile regions to adapt to these contemporary and age-old challenges. The speakers included are:
2. Mr. Michael Odhiambo – Resource Conflict Institute
3. Mr. David Nkedianye – Reto-o-Reto Kenya
This lunch-conference will be held on
June 10th from 12h30-13h30 at the Infopoint-External Cooperation of the European Commission in the Rue de la loi 43, on the ground floor. You can subscribe for the conference by sending an email to EUROPEAID-INFOPOINT-CONFERENCES@ec.europa.eu indicating Lunch-conference on pastoralism June 10th and your name.
Please find the invitations in [download id=”33″] and in [download id=”34″]here!
As a part of the Development Education Project of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières-Europa, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières-Belgium as member of CELEP – organizes together with the Food First program a lunch-conference on pastoralism. An overview of the Food First program can be found in this [download id=”35″]
Posted on 7 June 2011 in CELEP Documents, News