Legislation to support cross-border livestock mobility

In Policy Brief 14 of COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), entitled “Legislation to support cross-border mobility” (2010, 3pp), Ced Hesse from the CELEP member organisation IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development) draws attention to the tremendous importance of cross-border livestock mobility to national and regional economies and food security, particularly in pastoral areas of East Africa. He brings examples of legislation developed in West Africa to protect and enhance regional livestock mobility and trade, and draws lessons for the COMESA region. He highlights the need to develop an overarching policy and legal framework at regional and national level to explicitly address pastoral land use, livestock mobility, conflict resolution, crop-livestock integration and the integration of customary and modern institutions of governance.

Posted on 28 December 2017 in Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure, Pastoralism, Policy & Power