Pastoralism & Peacebuilding (page 4)

Peaceful co-management of resources by farmers & herders in Darfur

The learning brief “Role of local governance and community-based institutions for the peaceful co-management of natural resources” (2021, 12pp) by Saverio Krätli is the final one in a series issued by the Taadoud II: Transition to Development project led by the Catholic Relief Services in Darfur, Sudan. It looks as local governance and its role […]

CELEP annual report for 2020

The report on CELEP activities in 2020 is structured according to the action plan drawn up in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2019. However, because of COVID-19, several events were postponed to 2021 or transformed into online events, such as the six webinars and the virtual AGM in late 2020. Shortly before the pandemic […]

UN peacekeeping related to transhumance

International peace is often undermined by conflicts within rather than between countries. United Nations (UN) peacekeepers need to better understand the nature of these conflicts and how they interlink with national dynamics. The Civil Affairs Team of the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO) produced the report “Preventing, mitigating & resolving transhumance-related conflicts in UN […]

CELEP webinar on “Pastoralism and conflict”

On 12 November 2020, a webinar on “Pastoralism and conflict: rethinking the phenomenon” was organised by the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED) and the Karamoja Development Forum (KDF) as part of their engagement in CELEP. The webinar offered an opportunity to learn about recent findings on pastoralism and conflict, using an alternative lens […]

50 years of research on pastoralism & development

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in the UK has issued a collection of IDS Bulletin articles that reflects on 50 years of research on pastoralism at IDS. The “end of pastoralism” was proclaimed widely in the 1970s, yet pastoralism has survived as a successful, resilient livelihood adapted to some of the harshest environments on […]

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