Pastoralist Livelihoods & Nutrition (page 3)
Promoting investment in pastoral & agropastoral systems in IGAD region
The Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) of the Intergovernmental Agency for Development (IGAD), in partnership with AFD (French Development Agency), conducted a regional study on (agro)pastoral systems in East and the Horn of Africa. The ICPALD policy brief “Promoting investment in climate smart livestock in pastoral and agro-pastoral systems for co-benefit of […]
Benefits of pastoralist mobility for nutrition in Kenya
Pastoralist mobility underpins resilience, food security, nutrition, and human and animal health. The USAID Nawiri Longitudinal Study Learning Brief 2 “Mobility matters: the benefits of pastoralist mobility for nutrition in Marsabit and Isiolo Counties, Kenya” (2023, 12pp) by Elizabeth Stites et al presents findings on strategic mobility and its nutritional benefits to pastoralist communities in […]
Large-scale irrigation can destroy Kenya’s pastoralism
There is much talk about investing in irrigation in Kenya’s drylands, with the idea of greening the “desert”, boosting food production and creating new livelihoods. In the article “Why irrigation needs to think smaller to save Kenyan pastoralism” published in The New Humanitarian (28 February 2024), Ian Scoones and Hussein Wario caution that large-scale irrigation […]
Maasai in Tanzania displaced for nature conservation
In December 2023 – the same month as Maasai lawyer Joseph Oleshangay received the Human Rights Prize from the City of Weimar, Germany (see news item) – the Germany-based Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (Society for Threatened Peoples) issued a 50-page report in German on “Die Maasai in Tansania: gewaltsam vertrieben für den Naturschutz” (The Maasai […]
Pastoralism in Uganda: a textbook
Pastoralism in Uganda: theory, practice, and policy by CD Waiswa et al (2019, 282pp) is a textbook published by Gulu University, Makerere University, Center for Basic Research, Karamoja Development Forum, IIED (International Institute of Environment & Development) and Tufts University Feinstein International Center. It helps students understand how pastoralism functions as a system; contributes to […]