Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 19)

Sustainable pastoralism & rangelands in Africa

The FAO Regional Office for Africa brought out a special edition of the Nature & Faune journal (Vol. 31, No. 2) on “Sustainable pastoralism and rangelands in Africa” (2017, 74pp), edited by Ndiaga Gueye. The 16 articles cover diverse aspects of pastoralism and rangeland management in Africa, including a review of issues, challenges and practices; […]

A critical review of Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI)

First in Mongolia in Central Asia and now in Kenya and Ethiopia in Eastern Africa, pilots are being carried out with Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI). A critical review of the experiences can be found in the report “The feasibility of Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) in the West African Sahel: framing the issue” (2016, 52pp) by […]

Governance of rangelands – with case from northern Kenya

The 2017 review by Claire Bedelian of the book The governance of rangelands: collective action for sustainable pastoralism (2014, 300pp, edited by Pedro Herrera, Jonathan Davies & Pablo Manzano) includes an abstract of a chapter by Guyo Roba on “Strengthening communal governance of rangelands in Northern Kenya”: “In Chapter 11, Roba gives an example of […]

Land tenure & sustainable pastoralism in East Africa & the Andes

The ELLA (Evidence and Lessons from Latin America) Research Paper “Land tenure and the sustainability of pastoral productive systems: a comparative institutional analysis of the Andean altiplano and the East African savannah” (2017, 32pp) by Gerardo Damonte et al analyses the relationship between pastoral land-tenure systems and the sustainability of pastoralism as a production system […]

How local adaptation to climate change affects incomes in Afar, Ethiopia

Rural communities in the drylands of the Afar Region of Ethiopia are severely exposed to the impacts of climate change, having experienced frequent droughts followed by crop failure and livestock deaths. The paper “The effects of adaptation to climate change on income of households in rural Ethiopia” by Melaku Berhe et al, published in Pastoralism: Research, […]

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