Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 17)

Oil and tenure governance in Kenya’s drylands

The case study “Triggering the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Responsible Governance of Tenure in the context of oil extraction in Kenya’s Turkana County” presents the case of the appropriation of pastoral lands by the coming of large-scale oil extractive industry in Turkana, northern Kenya. This case study is meant to inform and raise awareness among local […]

Pastoralism in Africa’s drylands

The FAO paper “Pastoralism in Africa’s drylands: reducing risks, addressing vulnerability and enhancing resilience” (2018, 52pp) explores the mounting challenges faced by pastoralists and indicates opportunities to strengthen the resilience of pastoralist livelihoods. Pastoral livestock production is crucial to the livelihoods and the economy of African’s drylands. It is practised in an area covering 43% […]

“Values of pastoralism, with a focus on Eastern Africa” – open discussion briefing

At this year’s Tropentag conference in Ghent, CELEP had the opportunity to lead an open discussion about the values of pastoralism with a focus on Eastern Africa. The four members of the panel were : Dr Brigitte Kaufmann: Professor for Social Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Land-use Systems at the University of Hohenheim. Dr Ann […]

Links between climate resilience and peace in pastoral Ethiopia

The USAID report “Lessons learned from the Peace Centers for Climate and Social Resilience: an assessment in Borana Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia” (2017, 80pp) assesses the lessons learnt from a pilot project in Borana Zone. This project tested the hypothesis that collaborative community activities to strengthen climate resilience, focused on building key institutional […]

Putting drought in its context in Eastern Africa

The 10-page well-illustrated article “Drought does not work alone” (2017) by Roger Few, University of East Anglia, comes out of the work of the ASSAR (Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions) project. ASSAR uses insights from multiple-scale, interdisciplinary work to improve the understanding of the barriers, enablers and limits to effective, sustained and widespread climate […]

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