Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 15)

Misereor’s pastoral development orientation framework: focus on Ethiopia

On Tuesday 24 September 2019, at the Social and Development Coordination Annual Meeting of the Ethiopian Catholic Church , MISEREOR — the development agency of the German Catholic Bishops’ Conference — presented its Pastoral Development Orientation Framework for working with small-scale producers in pastoral systems in Ethiopia. It was a joint launch with the Ethiopian Catholic […]

Karamojong: “Pastoralism is our future”

The Karamoja Development Forum (KDF), a CELEP partner organisation based in Uganda, has issued a statement to the Ugandan Government in defence of the pastoralists’ rights to mobility. The statement “For Karamojong: Pastoralism is our future, not our past” was published in the newspaper New Vision on 27 May 2019. It was in response to […]

Pastoralists as family farmers

To mark the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019–28, CELEP combined forces with the International Land Coalition (ILC) Rangelands Initiative and the International Support Group (ISG) for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) in publishing a 4-page illustrated brief “Pastoralists as family farmers” (March 2019). In the definition of […]

Transforming pastoralist mobility in West Darfur, Sudan

The report “Transforming pastoralist mobility in West Darfur: understanding continuity and change” (2019, 65pp) by Hussein Sulieman and Helen Young (Tufts University) shows how patterns of mobility by pastoralists in this part of Sudan are changing in the face of many challenges, foremost being insecurity. Earlier studies had shown that pastoralist mobility offers significant advantages in […]

Supporting pastoral mobility in East & West Africa

Livestock mobility is crucial for ensuring high livestock productivity, market access and building prosperous and peaceful societies in the drylands. CELEP member IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development) and its partners documented several successful initiatives to facilitate livestock mobility and experimented with scenario planning to help empower pastoralists and allow them to influence decisions […]

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