Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 14)

Pastoralists, politics, development projects & conflict in Kenya

Dryland counties of northern Kenya are expected to undergo massive change in the coming years because of the Government’s ambitious infrastructural development agenda, but the area frequently experiences ethnic and political conflict. A case study was made in Isiolo County, where planned development projects and conflict risks coincide. In the Bonn International Centre for Conversion […]

Review of livestock mobility in sub-Saharan Africa

Movement of African pastoralists with their herds has historically been seen by outsiders as working against environmental and development goals. Recently, the logic of livestock mobility has been embraced but uncertainties persist as to what it means and how it could be measured. Various unexamined associations circulate that tie livestock mobility to features of pastoral cultures, […]

Mobile pastoralists & livestock markets in Karamoja

A short article by Loupa Pius from the CELEP partner organisation Dodoth Agropastoralist Development Organization (DADO) was published in the GFAR (Global Forum for Agricultural Research and Innovation) Impakter series in March 2019. Entitled “Mobile pastoralists: the challenge of livestock markets in Karamoja, Uganda”, it explores livestock markets and the use of herd mobility to […]

Tanzanian pastoralists risk dispossession through geospatial surveys

The article “Resisting legibility: state and conservation boundaries, pastoralism, and the risk of dispossession through geospatial surveys in Tanzania” by J. Bluwstein, published in Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 6(1), illustrates how the use of modern geospatial surveying technology in Tanzania failed to resolve a boundary conflict between the state and nature conservation authorities on […]

Herding through uncertainties – interfaces between pastoralists & uncertainty

Herding through uncertainties – principles and practices: exploring the interfaces of pastoralists and uncertainty (2019, 51pp), by Michele Nori of the European University Institute, is a literature review for the European Research Council-funded PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty, Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins) project. The paper argues that lessons from pastoralists may help people working in […]

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