Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 8)

Webinar: Pastoralism & renewable energy projects

Lake Turkana Wind Power farm, northern Kenya. Photo: Maurizio Di Pietro / Climate Visuals Countdown. Licence: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 On 9 June 2022, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Bread for the World Germany co-hosted an online discussion to launch the study on “Pastoralism and large-scale renewable energy & green hydrogen projects” researched and written by two […]

Energy economies and climate change in the drylands

Pastoralists use livestock to transform biomass into foods and goods. Business interests are increasingly competing with pastoralism for natural resources in the drylands that have long been considered marginal but have become a new frontier, also in the search for new sources of energy. The combination of high potential for renewable energy and low population […]

Factors influencing migration & settlement of pastoralists in Nairobi

Pastoralism faces numerous challenges, including land-use and land-tenure change that diminish grazing land and conversion of traditional grazing lands into other uses such as settlements. Urbanisation is one of the key drivers of pastoral system dynamics. Understanding such dynamics in the face of compounding factors such as frequent droughts linked to climate change is key […]

Development interventions undermine pastoral livelihoods in Turkana, Kenya

Turkana County has a long history of development interventions yet remains one of the poorest counties in Kenya. In Turkana, livelihoods are increasingly under threat because of climate change, conflict and changing land use. The question addressed in the article “Effects of development interventions on pastoral livelihoods in Turkana County, Kenya” by Gregory Akall, published […]

Customary tenure & reciprocal grazing in Ethiopia

The article “Customary tenure and reciprocal grazing arrangements in eastern Ethiopia” by Fekadu Beyene (2020; Development and Change 41 (1): 107–129) examines how customary tenure provides a basis for reciprocal access arrangements and facilitates access to grazing resources in order to adapt to changing conditions. A literature review on range ecology and governance guided the […]

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