Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 5)

Stealthy processes of land dispossession in Ngorongoro, Tanzania

In the paper “Making land grabbable: stealthy dispossessions by conservation in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania” (published in 2021 in Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5 (4):, Teklehaymanot Weldemichael looks into how it becomes possible that land is grabbed and people are relocated. It focuses on the historical conditions of land tenure that […]

Effects of Ethiopia–Kenya border on pastoralists’ resource use

The international border between Ethiopia and Kenya does not consider the livelihood and customary practices of local people. The two countries have ethnic groups living in similar ecosystems, sharing similar livelihood systems, trans-clan and transboundary trade networks, and transboundary migratory patterns. Before colonial times, communities moved freely with their herds, but the creation of the […]

Making green energy safe for pastoralists

One of the authors of the study on Pastoralism-and-large-scale-REnewable-energy-and-green-hydrogen-projects, Hussein Wario, Director of the Centre for Research & Development in Drylands (CRDD) in northern Kenya, gave his perspective on the study findings in a blog for Project Syndicate “Making green energy safe for pastoralists“ – also available in Spanish (Que la energiá verde sea segura para […]

Resilience & adaptation of pastoral herd mobility in West Darfur, Sudan

The dynamics of herd mobility in West Darfur, Sudan, a region affected by persistent conflict, is reported in the article “The resilience and adaptation of pastoralist livestock mobility in a protracted conflict setting: West Darfur, Sudan” (2023, Nomadic Peoples 27: 3-31, doi: 10.3197/np.2023.270102) by Hussein Sulieman and Helen Young. They examine the annual cycle and […]

Agropastoralists’ voices in Africa’s borderlands

The Africa Borderlands Centre of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) made a mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) study “Promise, peril and resilience: voices of agropastoralists in Africa’s borderland regions” (2022, 152pp) among communities living in borderland regions in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan and Uganda. In direct testimonies, community members describe […]

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