Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 38)

Bill Gates, seeds alone will not end poverty!

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) Belgium, member of the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP), warmly welcomes the recent expressed opinion of Bill Gates about foreign aid in the media. Foreign aid programmes do matter and certainly if they address poor farmers – the majority of people in developing countries. But VSF Belgium […]

In your hands: AU Pastoral Policy Framework

The very fact that the African Union (AU) has produced a framework document for pastoral policy in Africa is a big step forward and a great support to advocacy for pastoralism. The document underlines the rationale of mobile pastoral production systems and its positive response to new market opportunities, To draw attention to this important […]

Broken lands: broken lives? Land fragmentation in the Ethiopian rangelands

Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with drought and to overcome even ‘normal’ dry seasons. Droughts may have increased in incidence and intensity but pastoralists feel they have become more vulnerable mainly because external interventions have reduced their ability to cope with drought. They are losing possibilities for […]

Rules of the Range: land rights in pastoral areas

External intervention in pastoral areas of Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia is often directed at rangeland management. It seeks to bring technical improvements to the way in which the rangeland is managed, or it is focussed on conflict resolution, seeking to create structures whereby different communities or ethnic groups can dialogue and build peaceful relations. […]

Livestock marketing in Kenya and Ethiopia

The last few years have witnessed a renewed interest in the export of live animals and meat from Kenya and Ethiopia. In both cases, the private sector has taken the lead in initiating or advocating for the revival of the export business, prompting the respective governments to pay attention to the potentials of livestock trade. The […]

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