Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 37)

Diverse livelihood pathways in the Horn of Africa

A fundamental shift in thinking is needed about pastoralist livelihoods – recognising innovation and entrepreneurism, not just coping and migration, and cooperation and networking across borders, not just conflict and violence. The Future Agricultures Consortium at the University of Sussex, UK, has brought out a CAADP Policy Brief Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa: diverse livelihood […]

Pastoral land tenure options – implications for Ethiopia

The briefing paper “Land tenure options: Lessons learned and implications for Ethiopia” describes what was learnt during two recent experience-sharing events: i) a visit to Niger and Mali organised by Oxfam GB and USAID for government and NGO representatives from Ethiopia, Uganda and Somaliland; and ii) the “Making Rangelands Secure” learning route. A second briefing […]

The futures of pastoralism in Africa

On 1 March 2012, Andy Catley of the Africa Regional Office of Tufts University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, made a briefing to the European Parliament in Brussels. He highlighted the many different futures of pastoralism, differentiating between those pastoralists who are “moving up” and taking advantage of the high market demand for livestock products and those pastoralists […]

Pastoral displacement in northern Kenya

A range of factors has led to the displacement of thousands of pastoralists in northern Kenya. This situation has been under-reported and under-studied, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northern Kenya have received little assistance. Against this backdrop, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) of the Norwegian Refugee […]

ILRI response to open letter to Gates

ILRI (International Livestock Centre for Africa) has responded to the open letter from VSF / CELEP with a news clipping “Herding livestock makes more sense than growing crops in arid lands”

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