Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 36)

Resilience analysis to guide pastoralist policy

The paper “Applying resilience thinking to questions of policy for pastoralist systems: lessons from the Gabra of Northern Kenya“ (in Human Ecology) explores the relevance of a systematic application of resilience thinking to questions of pastoralist policy. It analyses the social-ecological system of the Gabra people in north-central Kenya and identifies indicators of the components, […]

Pastoralism in Africa: dynamic change at the margins

The book Pastoralism and development in Africa: dynamic change at the margins (2012, 328pp), edited by Andy Catley, Jeremy Lind and Ian Scoones, grew out of the conference “The Future of Pastoralism in Africa” convened  in Addis Ababa in March 2011 by IDS (Institute of Development Studies) Futures Agricultures Consortium and Tufts University. The book highlights innovation […]

Gender and pastoral economic growth in Ethiopia

A background note by Cathy Watson on Gender issues and pastoral economic growth and development in Ethiopia was commissioned by the Department for International Development (DfID) at the request of the Government of Ethiopia. The paper gives a brief overview of some key gender issues in pastoral development based on a livelihood analysis of pastoral […]

Range fragmentation impacts on Ethiopian pastoralists’ drought resilience

In-depth studies were commissioned by Save the Children-UK into the impacts of land fragmentation in the rangelands of Somali and Oromia regions of Ethiopia. A key tool used in the research was community resource mapping. This was done in Borana (Oromia Region) across the Golboo traditional grazing zone and in Somali Region across Harshin District. […]

Making rangelands secure: past experiences & future options

Much progress has been made in developing policy and legislation that support recognition of customary rights to land. However, many commons remain highly vulnerable, with land being removed by governments for national parks and large tracts appropriated for commercial agricultural investment. This is particularly true of the rangelands. Policies and legislation still fail to provide […]

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