Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 35)

Impact of conflict on pastoral resilience in the Horn

A study in 2012 by RECONCILE (Resource Conflict Institute) for FAO, “Impact of conflict on pastoralist communities’ resilience in the Horn of Africa”, shows how conflict affects the opportunistic use of range resources by pastoralists. Because conflict renders certain strategic rangelands inaccessible, pressures on the accessible resources increase, leading to their overuse and degradation, thereby […]

Making Rangelands Secure Bulletin 1 (July 2012)

The first quarterly bulletin on “Making Rangelands Secure in East and Horn of Africa” (July 2012) has been issued by the International Land Coalition (ILC). It brings news on, among other things, the “learning route” from Nairobi to Arusha in February 2012, the National Workshop on Pastoral Development held in Ethiopia in March 2012 and […]

Pastoral institutions for managing natural resources

Pastoralists have adapted to the uncertainty of their environment in many ways, but a key feature is their strong social organisation. They have developed complex customary institutions to enable flexibility and opportunism in managing and using natural resources, in order to allow mobility and to enable pastoralist societies to withstand extreme pressures. Their customary institutions […]

Challenging the stereotype: pastoralism = poverty

Understanding the complex relationships and causes of poverty in pastoral areas of eastern Africa is a necessary first step toward informed and effective policymaking and project programming. The overview paper “Challenging stereotypes: the multiple dimensions of poverty in pastoral areas of East Africa” (2007) addresses this gap. It has four general objectives: 1) to summarise […]

Access to water & pastoralist livelihoods

Water development in pastoral drylands of Africa has always been a priority for humanitarian and development agencies and for governments. However, experts have raised increasing concerns about its numerous adverse effects. In 2006 FAO’s Livelihood Support Programme reviewed the lessons learned in implementing pastoral and hydraulic projects in parts of eastern Africa: the Haud in […]

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