Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 33)

Land tenure issues in the Horn

The Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa (PENHA) held a conference in 1997 on “Pastoral Land Tenure Issues in the Horn of Africa”. The abstracts of presentations on land tenure in Ethiopia generally, Somali and Afar Regions of Ethiopia, in Sahil and Barka Provinces in Eritrea and in Eastern and Western Sudan […]

Pastoralism: a critical asset for food security

Animal Frontiers, a review magazine on animal agriculture, has published a special issue on the contribution of animal production to global food security. One of the articles, “Pastoralism: a critical asset for food security under global climate change”, examines the role that pastoralism plays in relation to food security, particularly in the face of increased […]

Social services for pastoralists

The state of provision of social services to pastoralists is one of the most evident signs of marginalisation and exclusion by national policymakers. Mobility and difficult physical environment are often used as excuses for underdevelopment of these services in pastoral areas. Nevertheless, various innovative approaches to providing social services to pastoralists have come to light […]

Participatory planning for sustainable rangelands in Tanzania

The International Land Coalition (ILC) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) are supporting the Sustainable Rangeland Management Project (SRMP) in Tanzania working with the Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries. In November 2011, the project piloted participatory rangeland resource mapping in villages that are carrying out Village Land Use Planning (VLUP). SRMP seeks to secure […]

Lamu Port corridor threatens pastoralists

In 2012, a member of the International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Kanyinke Sena, explored the potential impacts of the LAPSSET infrastructure project on hunter-gatherers (Awer, Sanye), pastoralists (Orma, Wardei, Samburu, Borana) and pastoral-fisherfolk around Lake Turkana (Elmolo, Turkana). The report “Lamu Port–South Sudan– Ethiopia […]

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