Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 29)

Disaster risk reduction in the drylands of the Horn

This is the fourth and final issue of the REGLAP annual journal Disaster risk reduction in the drylands of the Horn of Africa on innovations in policy and practice from the ECHO Drought Risk Reduction Action Plan partners and beyond. It includes articles on: Kenya–Ethiopia crossborder mobility; natural resource governance in Garbatulla, Kenya; community conflict […]

Economics of resilience in northern Kenya

The 53-page Kenya country report on the “Economics of resilience” (2012) focuses on interventions in arid and semiarid areas in northern Kenya where pastoralism and agropastoralism are practised. It compares costs of key interventions in response to drought – humanitarian response, early response and building resilience – and calculates the value for money of different […]

Managing the boom and bust in the drylands

For decades, the Sahel has been presented as suffering from irreversible degradation, leading to desert advancement and the impoverishment of the population. This 32-page issue paper Managing the boom and bust: supporting climate-resilient livelihoods in the Sahel published by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in December 2013 presents an alternative profile and […]

Pastoralist livestock mobility in Sudan

The research report Pastoralism in practice: monitoring livestock mobility in contemporary Sudan highlights the importance of pastoralist livestock mobility for the resilience of pastoralist livelihood systems and for maximising productivity. Herds of camels, sheep and cattle were followed for up to five months in Darfur and Kordofan Regions of Sudan. Using GPS tracking, the study recorded […]

Protecting livestock mobility routes

During the learning initiative 2012 of the programme “Making Rangelands Secure”, lessons about protecting livestock mobility routes (corridors) were summarised in this useful 4-page brief Protecting Livestock Mobility Routes: Lessons Learned directed at Ethiopian decision-makers. The brief outlines why livestock mobility is important, what the challenges to mobility and the impacts of not maintaining mobility are, ways […]

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