Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 27)

Conservation and land grabbing in African & Asian rangelands

In March 2013, people from conservation NGOs, development organisations and human rights groups met to explore interactions between conservation, large-scale land acquisition and community land rights. The meeting was organised by the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED)’s Poverty and Conservation Learning Group, the International Land Coalition (ILC), the Zoological Society of London and […]

Pastoralism: a media handbook for Uganda

In early 2015, the CELEP partner organisation COPASCO (Coalition of Pastoralist Civil Society Organisations) brought out a media handbook on Pastoralism (24 pp). It is meant to provide a quick reference guide that can be used by journalists and other media practitioners to help influence perceptions, policy and practice related to pastoralism among Ugandan policymakers and […]

Pastoralism and the Green Economy – a natural nexus?

As economies and populations grow, so does the demand for animal products, including milk, meat and fibre. Pastoralism can play a significant role in fulfilling this demand while continuing to protect rangeland biodiversity and ecosystem services. The study Pastoralism and the Green Economy – a natural nexus? focuses on pastoralism’s current and future potential for […]

On the margin: internal displacement of Kenya’s pastoralists

In Africa, 66% of the land is used for pastoral production but – more than just a means of production – pastoralism is a way of life intrinsically linked to the identity of the individuals and communities that practise it. Given their mobile lifestyle, the fact that pastoralists can become internally displaced is often overlooked. […]

Livestock marketing politics on Ethiopia-Somaliland border

The crossborder livestock trade (CBLT) between Ethiopia and Somaliland supports many pastoralists and traders, mainly from Somali Region of Ethiopia. The trade has continued for centuries and is now especially vibrant because of the Gulf state markets. The Future Agricultures Working Paper “Jostling for trade: the politics of livestock marketing on the Ethiopia-Somaliland border” (2014, […]

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