Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 23)

“The Karamoja Pastoralist” magazine by Karamoja Development Forum

“The Karamoja Pastoralist” magazine is a biannual publication supported by the Karamoja Development Forum (KDF). In this first publication, numerous subjects are being addressed, ranging from the establishment of a Pastoralist Information Centre to a field visit of Members of European Parliament  to Karamoja, and articles on cross-border pastoralism, conflict and resilience.

Water development in Ethiopia’s pastoral areas

The report Water development in Ethiopia’s pastoral areas: a synthesis of existing knowledge and experience (2012, 55pp) published by Save the Children USA and ODI (Overseas Development Institute) looks at water development undertaken in Ethiopia by government, NGOs, development partners and pastoralists themselves. The report maps the institutions, policies, programmes and activities of different actors, […]

CFS43: Understanding mobile pastoralism to prevent conflict

CELEP partner COPACSO (Coalition of Pastoralist Civil Society Organisations) from Uganda provided one of the six panellists who spoke at the side event “Pastoralism, conflict, land and food security in Africa in the face of climate change” organised by the FAO Pastoralist Knowledge Hub in October 2016 during the 43rd meeting of the Committee on […]

Pastoral Mobility for Sustainable Livelihood System

In the paper ”Pastoral Mobility for Sustainable Livelihood System” that was presented at the Info Point Belgium by Ken Otieno (Technical Coordinator, Rangelands Initiative Africa Region)  the importance of pastoral mobility for a sustainable livelihood was stressed. It addresses the lack of quantitative monitoring data on pastoral mobility and herding behavior. The approach to pastoral empowerment […]

Securing pastoralists’ land-tenure rights

As part of a project to promote sustainable pastoralism, supported by IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Véterinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) made a survey of enabling policies and pastoralist practices in several areas of the world, including the Horn of Africa. One output of this study is the article “Securing pastoralists’ land tenure rights” (2016, […]

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