Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 21)

Households balancing risks & returns for resilience in Darfur

The Feinstein International Center of Tufts University is conducting a series of studies on resilience in the context of Darfur Region of Sudan. The report “Risks and returns: household priorities for resilient livelihoods in Darfur” (2016, 112pp including Arabic summary) examines how numerous shocks of various types over the past 15 years have affected specific […]

Pastoralist community perceptions of land-use changes in southern Kenya

Resource-use changes in rangeland ecosystems have triggered ecological, social and economic dynamics that often have adverse effects on pastoralists. The study “Community perceptions on spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya”, published in Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice (2016 6:24), applied an integrated approach using local knowledge and spatial technologies to assess […]

Mapping guidelines for participatory rangeland management

USAID, CARE and MercyCorps have jointly produced Mapping guidelines for participatory rangeland management in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas (2015, 56pp), compiled by Ben Irwin, Adrian Cullis and Fiona Flintan. These guidelines are meant to support development practitioners working in the rangelands of Ethiopia. Resource mapping can assist in investigating rangeland management systems, negotiating resource management […]

Get to know pastoralism: handbook for journalists

The 16-page booklet “Get to know pastoralism – it works! a handbook for journalists” (2009) was brought out by the Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Advocacy Project (REGLAP) funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO) and based in Kenya. In straightforward language, the booklet describes the current marginalised position of pastoralists, explains how this marginalisation […]

Life on the move: film

Cross-border livestock trade in dryland eastern Africa significantly contributes to enhancing food security and generating wealth. It supports the livelihoods of a wide range of actors including pastoralists, livestock traders and processors. The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), with financial and technical support from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), organised […]

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