Pastoralism, Mobility & Land Tenure (page 1)

Green transition & pastoralists in Eastern Africa

The Directorate-General for External Policies (DG EXPO) of the European Parliament published a commissioned report “Opportunities and challenges of the green transition for pastoralism and indigenous people in Africa” (2024) that focuses primarily on the situation of pastoralists in Eastern Africa. The publication includes the study report (42pp) by Jonathan Davies and the proceedings of […]

Webinar on pastoralism and link with Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’

What is pastoralism? Is this traditional way of life incompatible with modernity? A webinar on 23 May 2024 showed how pastoralism contributes to national economies, food security, environment and cultural heritage and how it is linked to Pope Francis’s social encyclical Laudato Si’. The webinar was organised during the Laudato Si’ Week (19–26 May) by […]

Explaining the basics of pastoralism in Africa

In April 2024, Tufts University’s Feinstein International Center and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) brought out a series of publications that will be very useful for explaining the basics of pastoralism to others. The publications were designed for staff of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and its partners with […]

Managing Africa’s transboundary climate risks, with pastoralism cases

Transboundary climate risks can set back economic development gains, jeopardise trade and food security and impact infrastructure investments. The policy brief “How can Africa manage the transboundary climate risks it faces?” by Sarah Optiz-Stapleton et al (2023, 11pp), published by SPARC (Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises), highlights five significant transboundary climate […]

With camelids into a sustainable future

For the International Year of Camelids 2024, Misereor, DITSL (German Institute for Tropical & Subtropical Agriculture) and LPP (League for Pastoral Peoples) in Germany have brought out a dossier on pastoral camelid husbandry around the world: “With camelids into a sustainable future: learning from pastoralist communities” (2024, 20pp), published by welt-sichten, Frankfurt. It describes the […]

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