Pastoralism & Climate Change (page 16)
Maasai responses to climate change in Kenya
Maasai responses to climate change in Kenya Climate change has especially strong impacts in the Eastern African drylands where institutions and governance systems are weak. In Kenya, the herds of the formerly nomadic Maasai pastoralists have been suffering from persistent drought. The paper “Climate change responses among the Maasai community in Kenya” (2017, 13pp) […]
Enhancing climate-change adaptation in Karamoja, Uganda
Climate change will have significant impacts on economic activity in Uganda but can also provide new possibilities for people and businesses, e.g. to create new products and services, develop new markets and access new funding streams and finance mechanisms. The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Working Paper 513 “Enhancing climate change development programmes in Uganda: Karamoja […]
Adaptation to climate change in Borana, Ethiopia
The article “Adaptation of agriculture to climate change in semi-arid Borena, Ethiopia”, published in 2016 in Regional Environmental Change 16 (8): 2317–2330, reports on findings from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Livestock production is very risky due to climate variability in semi-arid Ethiopia. Using data collected from 400 […]
How local adaptation to climate change affects incomes in Afar, Ethiopia
Rural communities in the drylands of the Afar Region of Ethiopia are severely exposed to the impacts of climate change, having experienced frequent droughts followed by crop failure and livestock deaths. The paper “The effects of adaptation to climate change on income of households in rural Ethiopia” by Melaku Berhe et al, published in Pastoralism: Research, […]
Building resilience to natural disasters among Borana pastoralists
The paper “Building resilience through social capital as a counter-measure to natural disasters in Africa: a case study from a project in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in Borena, in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia” by Go Shimada and Miki Motomura, published in African Study Monographs, Suppl. 53: 35–51 (March 2017), attempts to make a quantitative […]