Pastoralism & Climate Change (page 22)

Changing climates, changing lives: pastoral adaptation strategies in Ethiopia

The report Changing climate, changing lives (2010) explores the implications of climate change for pastoralists and agropastoralists in Ethiopia and Mali. Pastoral households are finding it increasingly difficult to tackle current climate risks and meet their food and nutrition needs. Actors investing in climate change adaptation need to pay more attention to local-level changes in […]

Devolved adaptation funds in Kenya’s drylands

Kenya’s new Constitution (2010) grants county governments authority and responsibility fort he socio-economic development of their county according to local priorities. This provides an opportunity to test a model for devolved County Adaptation Funds (CAFs) to prepare county governments to access global climate finance for adaptation and climate-resilient development. With funding from the UK Department […]

New World Bank project for pastoralism in the Horn

In March 2014, the World Bank approved USD 122 million for a regional project to improve the livelihoods of pastoralists in the Horn of Africa and to strengthen the capacity of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD). The project is meant to benefit directly 135,000 households in Kenya and Uganda. It seeks to enhance the […]

Disaster risk reduction in the drylands of the Horn

This is the fourth and final issue of the REGLAP annual journal Disaster risk reduction in the drylands of the Horn of Africa on innovations in policy and practice from the ECHO Drought Risk Reduction Action Plan partners and beyond. It includes articles on: Kenya–Ethiopia crossborder mobility; natural resource governance in Garbatulla, Kenya; community conflict […]

Pastoralist Knowledge Conference in Marsabit

Men and women pastoralists from different ethnic groups around Marsabit in northern Kenya came together with development workers from local and international NGOs, donors, scientists and government officials for a 4-day conference in January 2013 on pastoralist knowledge. They explored the challenges and opportunities facing pastoralists in the region, tackling topics such as conflict resolution, […]

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