Pastoralism & Culture (page 3)

Community protocols for pastoralists & livestock keepers

The CELEP member organisation LPP (League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development) and the Local Livestock for Empowerment (LIFE) Network have brought out a manual on “Community protocols for pastoralists and livestock keepers: claiming rights under the Convention on Biological Diversity” (2018, 101pp). A community protocol is a document, produced by a local community, […]

Knowledge sovereignty among Beni-Amer herders in the Horn

Beni-Amer cattle herders in the western part of the Horn of Africa (mainly in eastern Sudan) are “knowledge sovereign” in terms of owning productive genes of cattle and the cognitive knowledge base crucial to sustainable development. The strong bonds between the Beni-Amer, their animals and their environment constitute the basis of their ways of knowing. […]

Differing images of Nyangatom pastoralism in south Ethiopia

The article “Making sense of past, present and future: images of modern and past pastoralism among Nyangatom herders in South Omo, Ethiopia” by Jill Blau (2018, 11pp, published in the journal Land*), asks how Nyangatom pastoralists currently regard the past, present and future of their pastoralist livelihood. Like all agropastoralist groups in southern Ethiopia, the […]

Happy New Year

With this colourful picture from Dassanach girls dancing at the Kalacha Culture Festival in Kenya we wish you all the best for 2018!

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