Pastoralism & Culture (page 1)

Webinar on pastoralism and link with Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’

What is pastoralism? Is this traditional way of life incompatible with modernity? A webinar on 23 May 2024 showed how pastoralism contributes to national economies, food security, environment and cultural heritage and how it is linked to Pope Francis’s social encyclical Laudato Si’. The webinar was organised during the Laudato Si’ Week (19–26 May) by […]

With camelids into a sustainable future

For the International Year of Camelids 2024, Misereor, DITSL (German Institute for Tropical & Subtropical Agriculture) and LPP (League for Pastoral Peoples) in Germany have brought out a dossier on pastoral camelid husbandry around the world: “With camelids into a sustainable future: learning from pastoralist communities” (2024, 20pp), published by welt-sichten, Frankfurt. It describes the […]

Mobile pastoralists’ use of ICTs: example in Tanzania

The book Media culture in nomadic communities (2021, Amsterdam University Press, 221pp) by Allison Hahn looks at the role of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) within nomadic communities, above all, how they use ICTs to gain control over how they are depicted and to express themselves as citizens demanding recognition of their rights. The […]

Girls’ education in pastoral areas of East Africa

In pastoral areas worldwide, school enrolment, retention and achievements fall below national averages – and especial among pastoralist girls. Across East Africa, the Covid pandemic, ongoing conflicts and recurrent droughts are increasing poverty in ways that undermine any progress that may have been made in reshaping gender norms to favour girls’ inclusion in formal education. […]

Pastoralists’ social networks manage risk in Karamoja, Uganda

The article “Friendship, kinship and social risk management strategies among pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda” by Padmini Iyer, published in Pastoralism 11:24 (2021), describes risk-pooling friendships and other social networks among pastoralists in Karamoja. Social networks are of critical importance to manage risk in an environment marked by volatility and uncertainty. These mainly takes the form […]

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