Pastoralism, Policy & Power (page 15)

CELEP members co-organise “72 hours of milk”

CELEP members Veterinarians Without Borders (VSF) Belgium and Oxfam organised the “72 hours of milk” event held in Brussels on 8–12 April 2019. A short film “Let’s not export our problems!” explained how European milk (and milk byproduct) exports are inhibiting the local milk sector in West Africa. CELEP sponsored Dr Margareta Lelea from the […]

Analysing mobile pastoralists’ activism, e.g. from Kenya

The article “The new politics of pastoralism: identity, justice and global activism” (2014) by Caroline Upton, published in Geoforum 54: 207–216 (, addresses the politics and practices of natural resource rights with a view to environmental justice. Struggles over identity politics at different geographical scales have become important mediators of claims for justice with respect […]

CELEP Update March 2019

The CELEP Update March 2019 reports on past, ongoing and planned activities coordinated by CELEP’s European Focal Point at VSF–Belgium and Eastern African Focal Point at RECONCILE in Kenya. This 6-page issue includes information about recent events in which CELEP was involved, such as training in lobbying and advocacy, CELEP’s Annual General Meeting, the Beating […]

Gaps in knowledge about pastoralism & rangelands

UN Environment and GRID-Arendal (Norway) produced the report “A case of benign neglect: knowledge gaps about sustainability in pastoralism and rangelands” (2019, 78pp) by Kathrine Johnsen et al, in response to the United Nations Environment Assembly’s resolution “Combating desertification, land degradation and drought and promoting sustainable pastoralism and rangelands” at UNEA–2. This resolution acknowledged the […]

Participatory video with Karrayyu Oromo pastoralists in Ethiopia

The doctoral thesis “By the community, for the community: an investigation of participatory video with Karrayyu Oromo pastoralists, Ethiopia” (2011, 291pp) by Beth Cullen examines the potential of participatory video (PV) as a way of facilitating collaborative research and thus making an ethnographic description of the pastoralist community, lifestyle and culture that is useful for […]

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