Pastoralism & Extractives (page 9)
Safeguarding pastoral community land rights in East Africa
Land is a major source of discontent in East Africa. Pastoralist groups such as the Maasai of Loliondo, Tanzania, have cried foul over the government’s treatment of their land rights. The Kenyan Constitution recognises rights of local communities and requires that benefits accruing from resources on their land are shared with them. Tanzania and Uganda […]
Lamu Port corridor threatens pastoralists
In 2012, a member of the International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Kanyinke Sena, explored the potential impacts of the LAPSSET infrastructure project on hunter-gatherers (Awer, Sanye), pastoralists (Orma, Wardei, Samburu, Borana) and pastoral-fisherfolk around Lake Turkana (Elmolo, Turkana). The report “Lamu Port–South Sudan– Ethiopia […]