Pastoralism & Extractives (page 4)

Extractive industries and pastoralists’ rights in Kenya & Uganda

A report of the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities Extractive industries, land rights and indigenous populations’/communities’ rights: East, Central and Southern Africa (140pp) was published in 2017 by the CELEP partner IWGIA (International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs) and was adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights at its 58th […]

NRM by pastoralists in northern Kenya

The Web article “Shalom empowers Turkana and Pokot communities on management and resolution of natural resource-based conflicts” introduces the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Project being implemented in Turkana and West Pokot Counties in northern Kenya, an area long marked by inter-ethnic conflict caused mainly by competition over access to and control of water, pasture and land. With the […]

Critical review of agricultural growth corridors in eastern Africa

“Agricultural growth corridors on the eastern seaboard of Africa: an overview” (2017, 40pp) by Rebecca Smalley is the first Working Paper of the Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium. It reviews the recent emergence of agricultural growth corridors and other types of corridor with a prominent agricultural component, focused […]

PASTRES seeks global lessons from pastoralist responses to uncertainty

PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins) is a 5-year research project (2018–23) funded through an ERC (European Research Council) Advanced Grant. It is hosted by the STEPS Centre at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK, and the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Drawing insights from across […]

Gender, land & mining in pastoralist Tanzania

In the Women’s Land Tenure Security Project (WOLTS), the development consultancy organisation Mokoro sought ways to improve gender equity in land-tenure governance and to secure the land rights of vulnerable peoples within pastoralist communities in Tanzania and Mongolia. In 2016–17, working together with the Tanzanian civil society organisation HakiMadini, it studied the state of and […]

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