Pastoralism & Services (page 14)
Importance of livestock routes in Ethiopia
In September 2015, an international meeting on the “Importance of livestock routes for local, national and regional development” was organised by the Rangeland Management Platform – a forum coordinated by the Pastoral Livestock Development Directorate in the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP). The participants concluded that livestock routes […]
Formal education & pastoral risk management
An article on the role of formal education in pastoral societies “Can formal education reduce risks for drought-prone pastoralists?“, which appeared in Human Organization in 2009, argues that education should figure prominently in strategies and planning for pastoral risk management, since engaging in labour markets is a critical component of pastoralist livelihoods and this is facilitated […]
Issa pastoralists in Ethiopia: changing livelihoods & conflict
A rapid analysis of Issa pastoralist livelihoods and conflict in the Somali region on Ethiopia was commissioned by Mercy Corps and carried out by the Feinstein International Center of Tufts University. The 96-page report Moving up or moving out? A rapid livelihoods and conflict analysis in Mieso-Mulu Woreda, Shinile Zone, Somali Region, Ethiopia (2010) recommends policy […]
Animal health education for pastoralists in Tanzania
Through focus group discussions and interviews with pastoralists, extension officers and government veterinarians in south-central Tanzania, livestock disease priorities, access to livestock health services and ways of improving livestock health were studied. The findings were published in the paper “Educating pastoralists and extension officers on diverse livestock diseases in a changing environment in Tanzania” in Pastoralism […]
Integrated nomadic education in dryland Kenya
A framework for improved integrated education provision in the drylands of Kenya has been developed by DLCI (Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative). It is based on a literature review and consultations with key informants on the current status of education in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) in Kenya and what is working in other […]